
Presentation about Azerbaijan was made to the students of LUISS Guido Carli University

On March 15, 2024, a meeting was held with the students of the Political Science Association of the Italian "LUISS Guido Carli University" in the Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Italy.

During the meeting, Ambassador R. Aslanov gave a presentation to the students about the history of our country, its role in the region, post-conflict period and foreign policy priorities, current regional energy and transport projects, as well as detailed information on the relations between Italy and Azerbaijan.

At the same time, the students were presented with extensive information about the educational opportunities of Italy-Azerbaijan University, Azerbaijan, including the "Alimardan Bey Topchubashov Scholarship Program" offered by ADA University for foreign students.

During the presentation, all the nuances of the conflict that interested students, including questions about other issues, were answered.

At the end of the event, the students got acquainted with the Cultural Center of Azerbaijan and were presented with various books about our country in Italian.

For information, let's note that the purpose of the Political Science Association, which was established in 1995 and is in active contact with the Italian Senate and Chamber of Deputies, is to involve students in political life by the University.


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